Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More Pictures

So it is a rainy, grey day here in Ludington. Am hoping that this rain will wash away some pretty horrid looking dirty snow. I have a day off and am still sitting here at around 11:00 am in my jammies. Who cares?
Believe I owe Julie an apology. She sent me a bunch of pictures for the calendar. I could not open some and just gave up. Well today I went back and for some reason was able to open them. I'm so sorry Julie, it is heck to get old!! So here are some of the missing pictures:

Pretty Sarah - are you dancing??

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All the pretty girls.

And more pretty girls. Actually bathing beauties would be a better description of this one!

Believe this is taken outside the Atlanta Falcons stadium.

What do you think? Do you think Eric is beginning to look more and more like Poppi? I do.

So that is about it for now. Time to get dressed and accomplish something today.

1 comment:

Traci said...

I think you should stay in your pj's all day, especially if it's raining. Love all the new pics. Miss you, Traci