Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to all

It has been a while since I have written anything on this blog, I see. Spring seems to keep me quite busy doing other stuff I guess.

So today is Mother's Day. A very Happy Mother's Day to all mothers everywhere. I have not had my Mom for five Mother's Days now. I think of her everyday and miss her so, so much. She was a great Mom plus my very best friend and I was lucky to have her for 66 years.

I have had many a job in this life of mine, but my very favorite job has been being a Mom to my seven children and a grandma to my 14 grandkids. Don't think I could ever have done anything I would have enjoyed more. Not always easy, but what is? If I had a chance I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Might want to change a couple things if I could, but that would be about it.

Little Owen had his first haircut on my birthday (so I will always remember that). Know some of you have seen these pictures, but I don't care I am putting them on my blog anyway!!

Just look at how nice he is sitting there!
Check out those new baby teeth!

I think Owen is very happy with his new do!

I also think this handsome boy will be walking before long!! Or maybe running!!

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