Sunday, November 16, 2008
Long Time No Bloggin!
Sorry I have been so lax in keeping this blog up to date. I decided I wanted to go private, so I can post pictures and not have to worry about some stranger stealing them. From what I read there are folks that do that. So... it has taken me a while to figure out how to do that. Hopefully I have figured it out. Have sent a bunch of invites out to a bunch of you, so will see who wants to read my blog and who doesn't, I guess!! Suppose if I invite folks to read it, I will have to have something to read. I will try to do better.
For some reason I have been very busy. The leaves have been calling and getting the stuff put away for the winter has been a task this year. Must be getting old or something. Planning Gramps party took a lot of time (but it was worth it). Getting ready for the Grand Hotel trip also took some planning - hey I had to dress up every night - do you know how long it has been since I have had to do that?? That meant trying on a zillions outfits to see what still fits. Poppie always would help me decide what looked good, but now I have to do it on my own. Probably really looked goofy in some outfits. Oh well, what is a gal to do? All these things take a long time anymore!
Red Cross is keeping me busy and the Senior Center Journey Program should be, but has been kinda sporadic this year so far. Most of you know I am working for a couple gals to bring in a little extra cash - who can't use more cash in these times?? Still do all of Gramps shopping and try to see him everyday.
It was a wonderful summer - even tho it seemed quite short this year. Loved having family & friends here - but missed a few of you.
Nothing is happening with the sale of the house. But notice that not much is moving here. Hopefully things will pick up next summer. Got to put some money into pool, if I am going to open it next spring. Sprung a leak underneath it - bummer.
Have been looking at a bunch of senior living places around here to see what I think of them. So far not too much!! Suppose Gramps place should be my choice - if there is anything left of it!!
Well this is it for now. My friends Sandy and Nancy Jo are coming up to visit this week(deer hunting widows) and am trying to clean up the old place and think of things to eat!! Guess what? It is still snowing!!
Will post some summer pics and party pics soon. Really I will!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Erin and Elin
Thursday, June 5, 2008
More of Jenny
I believe this cute boy's name is Connor.
Another lovely Granddaughter!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Happy 48th Birthday, Erin and Elin
48 years ago today June 11th, Poppi was sitting in the waiting room at the Venice, FL hospital. He was waiting for me to deliver our baby. Dad's were not allowed in delivery room way back then. He had picked up a copy of a Readers Digest and was reading an article titled "How much can one man endure". After a while a nurse came out of the delivery room and said, are you Mr Johnston? Poppi said that he was. The nurse said well Mr Johnston you have a darling little baby girl. Poppi was delighted and got on the phone to start calling friends to let them know the news. About 15 minutes later a different nurse came out and asked again if he was Mr. Johnston and Poppi again said yes. The nurse then said, did someone come out and tell you that you had a little girl. Poppi said yes. She said, well Mr Johnston they made a mistake. Poppi said, how can you people make a mistake like that, don't you know the difference between girls and boys? She said, oh no, Mr Johnston, it is not a boy it is two darling little girls. When he got on the phone again to let friends and family know this exciting news all the lines were busy.
Meanwhile I had been in the delivery room doing the really hard work. Little Erin was born and the doctor and nurses were all busy cleaning her up, when I had this huge pain and groaned. The doctor turned around and said well for heavens sakes and I said am I going to have another one and he said you sure are. So 12 minutes after Erin, Elin was born.
What a glorious day! Those two sweet little babes sure did surprise a lot of folks that day. But think mostly their Mom and Dad. Think their little 19 month brother, Eric was quite surprised also to suddenly have two little sisters. Really don't think his life was ever quite the same!
Poppi went on to endure many things in his life, but he was always proud as punch with his "matched pair" as he liked to call Erin and Elin.
All our friends in Englewood had given us a baby shower for the new baby. After the surprise, everyone duplicated their gifts. Ended up with 13 dozen diapers(cloth of course) and I used everyone of them. I also learned very quickly why God had given me two hands!!
So here's to you Erin and Elin. Happy, happy birthday to you both. All seems like only yesterday. Thanks for giving me 48 years of wonderful joy and love. You were one of the best surprises of my life!! All babies are gifts - it was very cool to get two gifts all at once! Love you and so did your Dad.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Another graduation picture.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Metamorphosis At Its Best

One day, my husband had gone into a room and closed the door. Jenny ran over and started banging on the door and saying, Daddy, Daddy. I said, Jenny can you say, Poppi and in her best little girl voice, she said, Poppi and I said that is Poppi. So he became Poppi from that day on and hence my name, Grandma Poppi. Now her other grandma had a dog, named Dudley and she became Grandma Dudley. Do you see a pattern there?
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day to all
So today is Mother's Day. A very Happy Mother's Day to all mothers everywhere. I have not had my Mom for five Mother's Days now. I think of her everyday and miss her so, so much. She was a great Mom plus my very best friend and I was lucky to have her for 66 years.
I have had many a job in this life of mine, but my very favorite job has been being a Mom to my seven children and a grandma to my 14 grandkids. Don't think I could ever have done anything I would have enjoyed more. Not always easy, but what is? If I had a chance I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Might want to change a couple things if I could, but that would be about it.
Little Owen had his first haircut on my birthday (so I will always remember that). Know some of you have seen these pictures, but I don't care I am putting them on my blog anyway!!
I think Owen is very happy with his new do!
I also think this handsome boy will be walking before long!! Or maybe running!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Some Ian news
Ian has also been attending lots of proms with his lovely date, Jill. He is also taking ballroom dancing lessons, so I expect to see him on "Dancing with the Stars" before long.
I don't know what you all think, but I think he has found himself a really good looking date!!

Sure am a lucky Grandma to have such good looking and wonderful grandkids!!
Owen John at 8 months old!
Friday, March 28, 2008
A Wonderful Get Away

Here is Jonathan at beach with a frog, last summer.
Had some good eats with Eddy and Karen and went out to eat at Yanni's. Had gnocchi, which was one of Poppi's favorites. It was yummy.
So all an all it was a wonderful trip. Loved getting to spend time with everyone, even tho it never seems long enough. At the end of trip Eddy's family got the flu and were miserable. I was able to get home before I got it. But believe we are all on the mend now.
Now if the weather will just warm up, I am anxious to get the yard cleaned up and flowers planted and get ready for lots of company this summer. I can't wait!!
My thoughts and prayers are with Traci and her family during this time of sadness. Her Grandmother passed away and the funeral is tomorrow. She was a wonderful lady and am so glad that Poppi and I got to spend some time with her.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Just want you all to know that I have started yet another blog!!! I entered a contest and didn't know how to enter with my old one. So this one will just have some recipes once in a while. Wish me luck!!
Love ya all.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
News from Maya

Remembering an old friend
Am feeling very sad today. Lost another great old friend. My old friend Sandy Sanback Sommers passed away yesterday February 27, 2008. Sandy has been my friend since 3rd grade at Fancher School in Mt. Pleasant, MI. She had a pony, named Duke that we rode until our legs dragged on the ground. Sandy had a wonderful love of animals and I can remember her always drawing pictures of horses. She became an Art Teacher and a renowned sculptor of animals in bronze. You can find info of her works by googling Sharon Sommers.

We spent many happy hours together and my Mom and Dad loved her as much I did and do.
This is Sandy on the right, me on left and Duke.
Think we were about 12 years old.

Her Christmas card from 2007. It so exemplifies Sandy.
Goodbye old friend - I will never forget you.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A Michigan Poem
The following poem was in our local newspaper and pretty well sums up my feelings.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I'm back!!
As soon as I get everything back up to date I will be writing more news. The one good thing about being off line is that I read 4 books in two weeks and actually got out of the house and went some places.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Some news from Karen, Eddy and Owen.
I want to tell you all that one of the best gifts you all ever gave me, was the snow blower. It has really gotten a workout this year and I do not know what I would do without it. I really never thought I would say a snow blower was the best gift, but believe me it is true!!
As some of you know, Elie came over and had dinner with me last Sunday. Was so nice to have someone to eat with.(so much better than eating at the sink with peanut butter on a knife!) She is working hard at starting over. Know it is hard. Sure she could use encouragement from everyone.
Had a long phone call from Elin last night. They are all fine, busy as usual. Ian is getting ready to go to another school dance. Elin, Terry and Anna went skiing last weekend and by the sounds of it, it may be Elin's last time to ski. Sounds like it did not go to well. She has also quit smoking, which is a very good thing!
Both Katy and Jenny have also had their school dances and I understand they both looked beautiful.
Wouldn't it be nice if I could get some pics to show you all? Maybe someone will send me some!
If they do I will post them for all to see!
Last night I rec'd a nice note and pics from Karen that I am going to post. Little Owen is growing up so fast. Will be 6 months old in 2 days. Wow where does the time go. I have got to get to Iowa before long, can hardly stand it. I'm a working on it!!
Have been writing a little business which is very good. When weather gets a little better, I may go out and visit a few customers, maybe Bob can go with me. Love you all and miss you.
Here is note and pics from Karen:
Owen and Mom
Here are some recent photos of little Owen. He is growing like a weed and really has a great personality. He is so much fun. We can't just lay him down on the floor anymore because he just rolls to where ever he wants to go. He is also sitting up pretty well by himself. Owen is an active little guy and really likes his "Johnny Jump Up." He'll jump in that thing for a good 1/2 hour or so! It is hard to believe that Owen will be 6 months old on Friday. Eddy is a wonderful dad and has been doing a great job staying home with Owen part time while my mom is recovering from her radiation treatments. We hope that she can come back and start watching Owen again soon. Right now she is recovering from the flu, so we are also dog sitting Macy. Macy is a great house guest and likes to sit on my lap with Owen for story time. I only have 7 more days at my current employer. I have been with Holmes Murphy for 9 years as a Client Service Executive. It is quite a demanding job with lots of extra hours and stress. I decided that it just wasn't worth it anymore. I will be starting a new job at GuideOne Insurance Company on February 29th as a Product Management Specialist. I will be working in their product development department. The position will be project based and my life will no longer revolve around renewal dates. I am so excited! I would like to thank Traci and Patti for motivating me to keep in better touch with family and friends. I am very impressed by both of their blogs and have enjoyed keeping up to date with them.
Take care, Karen
Check out those eyes - do you see any Johnston there??
And do see him sitting up all by himself? Way to go, Owen!
Love you all. Grandma Poppi
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Someone ask me the other day if I remembered the name of the seven dwarfs and I did not. In this age of instant information I soon found out. Do you remember their names?
They are:
Two S's: Sleepy and Sneezy; two D's: Dopey and Doc; and three emotions: Happy, Bashful, and Grumpy.
I thought it would interesting to match each of the 7 kids with the dwarf names. I have them in my mind, but would be interested to know how you would match them up.
You can tell by this blog that I have way too much time on my hands. Oh well, a girl has to have fun!!
Love ya all.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Something good!
Here I am again. Made a good cake the other day, that Grandpa loved. If you have some bananas going bad, you might like to try this instead of bread!! Found at
Frosted Banana Bars
1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 cup(8 oz) sour cream
1 t. vanilla extract
1 t. baking soda
1/4 t salt
2 medium ripe bananas, mashed (about 1 cup)
Cream butter and sugar. Add egs, sour cream and vanilla. Combine dry stuff and gradually add to creamed mixture. Stir in bananas.
Spread in a jelly roll pan(15x10x1). Bake at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes. Cool.
1 Pkg (8oz) cream cheese , softened
1/2 c butter or margarine, softened
2 t. vanilla extract
3 3/4 to 4 cups confectioners sugar
Beat cream cheese, butter and vanilla. Gradually beat in enough confectioners' sugar to achieve desired consistency. Frost bars. Store in refrig (I didn't do this) Makes a lot so I froze some and they came out fine. Grampa Archey really loved these.