I had not dated since my husband died and pretty much thought I would remain a widow and I was OK with that. My many friends, family, home, travel and garden keep me busy. That does not mean there were not many lonely times, but you do adjust in a fashion and kinda except things for what they are.
I had nearly forgotten about the fella, until my friend called and said they were coming to stay with me for the 4th of July weekend. Another couple of friends were coming also. So we all went out for lunch and Mr P met us. After lunch we all came back to my place where we played cards and ate pie. Mr P seemed like a nice enough fella.
The next morning my friends and I were lounging around in our jammies and having breakfast. The doorbell rang and there was Mr P again even tho none of us really remembered inviting him for breakfast.
From that time on I do believe Mr P was at my house most every day. The rest of the summer was filled with movies, dinners out and dinners in, long rides, games, cards, ice cream. Mr P met my family and friends and I met his family and friends. A much different life than what I had become accustom to.

We talked of marriage. I was not as sure as Mr P was, but a friend said to me, what are you waiting for. I had to admit that it was kinda silly to wait, as we were not spring chickens anymore and time at this age can be short. Both of us losing our spouses had taught us that.
So on October 22, 2011, we were married with around 70 of our family and best friends cheering us on. It was a wonderful simple, fun , but very meaningful wedding and really meant a lot to both Mr P and me.

Our now 10 children gave us a wonderful wedding night at a darling little inn in Frankfort. We had a wedding suite with champagne, dozen red roses and chocolate covered strawberries. We even had a jacuzzi and sauna. They also included a gift certificate for dinner at one of my favorite places. It was a wonderful gift to us.
So now we are ready to move forward with our new lives and enjoy each other and travel to wonderful and exciting places. I hope to chronicle our life and travels here as we travel thru our new lives.together.