Sunday, December 27, 2009

Long time no blog!!

My, my it has been a very long time since I have blogged. Ashamed of myself! Guess life just tore me away for a while. Life can do that sometimes.

Where do I start? With summer I guess. It was a very, very busy summer with lots of family and friends visiting.

In June, my Dad had a stroke and we had to put him into a nursing home. That just about killed us all. He is 96 years old and still sharp as a tack, but his old body is failing him at a rapid rate. Luckily he is only a couple miles from me and I see him almost everyday. My brother fills in if I'm away, plus friends and family, when here, spend a lot of time with him. He is trying to make the best of it. He is a pretty remarkable man. Dad's moving into the nursing home, left me with two places to keep up. My house had been on the market for over a year and lo and behold in July I got a offer, but it was contingent on her selling her house. I thought well that is never going to happen in this economy, but guess what? She sold hers and wanted to be in mine in early September. I have never worked so hard or so fast in all my life. Family helped me move all in one day. We moved stuff from my place to Dad's and stuff from Dad's to mine and stuff from a storage shed to both places. That was on a Monday. Then on Thursday, three old school chums came and we washed and polished and arranged stuff for 4 days. Then the next weekend(Labor Day weekend) we had a 3 day estate sale. On Monday I had a guy come take everything that was left. Had the carpets cleaned the next day and moved out to my Dad's place the next day.

Needless to say we were all exhausted. I could never have done it without the help of my wonderful friends and family.

These are my wonderful school friends who came to my rescue. Could not have done it without them. Nancy, Sandy, Peg, Jim and Dick.

Dad's place needed some much needed repairs, cause he had a scooter and was not a very good driver!! So Dad's place was torn up again while they replaced carpet, kitchen and bathroom flooring and some new appliances. Finally got done just before Christmas.

On October 14th I discovered a lump on my neck. Waited a few days for it to go away - it didn't, so then started the medical merry go round these kinds of things cause. They think it is squamous cell carcinoma. Something I had never heard of before - let alone being able to pronounce it!! They are now on a hunt to find the source and so far have had no luck. Last week had surgery to remove my tonsils and to have more biopsies. Go back to U of M first week of January to see what they have found, if anything. Then we will move on from there I guess.

For Thanksgiving I flew to Atlanta to be with two of my sons and their families and got to stay for 8 days. That was wonderful. Also got to have lunch with my dear old friends, Virginia and Betty. Had not seen them for nearly 5 years. That was great fun, thanks to Sarah (daughter-in-law), who drove me up to Gainesville.

Sorry this is so dark. Hard to see us all the the dinner table!

This is Sarah cooking up a storm on Thanksgiving day. She made a great dinner which included her famous rutabagas and bread pudding with it wonderful sauce.

Here we have Camp, Tori and Cricket. Got to see Camp play in 3 basketball games. He is fun to watch and is getting to be very good. So tall for 13 years old. Beautiful Cricket graduated from high school in June and is now a student at GCSU in GA. Studying journalism and broadcasting.

Julie is quite elusive, but we did get one picture of she and her Dad. Julie is a very tall, beautiful girl. I so enjoyed being with all the grandkids and their friends. They are just so much fun. I need to be around all my grandkids more often tho, as I believe they keep us young!

Here are Traci and Tori out on Eric's porch.

My oldest grandson, Ian also graduated from high school this year. He is now a student at ISU. He is learning to speak Chinese and is in a new program called Global Resource Systems. He will travel to China this spring for 3 weeks. He plans to go to law school when he finishes he undergraduate studies.

Ian and his Mom, Elin.

Two of my daughters, Elie and Erin and my grandson, Jonathan came to help me out after my surgery and we enjoyed an early Christmas together. Which was super.

I spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with my brother and some of his family. My great niece Grace, who is 2 year old, made it a fun Christmas . Nothing like little ones at Christmas.

Christmas morning.

Sweet little Grace and her Dad, Ryan.

So now I am adjusting to my new home. Enjoying the same ever changing views that my Mom and Dad loved for over 30 years. I often wish my husband could be here with me. He would have loved it so much. But maybe he is.

Winter view on a sunny day.

Blizzard view!

So now year 2009 is about to end. Been quite a year. Am hoping 2010 will be a better year for everyone. Would be nice if folks could get jobs, not have to lose their homes and all the other stuff that goes with not having a job. Would be wonderful if all our soldiers could just come home and there would be no more wars. Would be nice if we could just all love one another.

To all my friends and family I wish you a most wonderful New Year. May you all be safe, happy and healthy. Love ya.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I loved my Mom. She was my very best friend. She passed away on June 7, 2003. Almost 6 years ago now. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her. She taught me most of everything I know, but most of all she taught me what true love means. I knew she loved me from the day I was born until her last breath - 66 years of unconditional love. Thank you Mom. You were the greatest and I will forever love you.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy 9th Birthday

My sweet, pretty granddaughter, Maddie is 9 years old today. Maddie has the cutest freckles on her nose and has grown a lot since she had this picture taken. Love you, Maddie and hope you have just the best birthday ever.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Spring has sprung at long last.
Elie took these photos in my yard.

This one was taken at the State Park. Still has a winter coat on!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

An Easter from long ago

Today I am having memories of many happy, Easter Bunny mornings with all my children running around with their little baskets fanatically searching for the biggest share of hidden eggs and goodies. Also remember many Easters getting dressed in our best finery and all going to church together. Also remember many wonderful Easter dinners over the years.

There is one Easter tho that stands out among all the others. It was the Easter that my old sweetie brought home 6 darling baby chicks (kids called them peeps). He had gotten one for each of the kids. We had an old chicken coop and he thought that it would be good for us to have a few chickens. for eggs and such. He brought a light to keep them warm and we kept them in a box in the dining room, until that became a very big problem. Then they were moved to the basement, as they were to small for the coop yet. We lost one, but the others grew and thrived and grew some more. Problem was that no one told him that all those peeps were roosters. These guys turned into very, very large roosters and they became meaner than striped snakes. None of us could go into the yard with without a broom or something to defend ourselves. Daily kids were coming screaming into the house because they were being chased by a rooster. There were many stories that sprung up because of those birds.

As I recall the only way we got away from them was to move!! All I can say is, if you are inclined to buy yourself some chickens during these tough times, please make sure you are getting some hens in the mix!!

Happy Easter to all.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I stole some of the pictures from my son - sorry big E.

While in Arkansas I got Tori some planting tools and then she and I one day planted a big pot of pansies. It was great fun and Tori was a really big help. She has promised to care for them and and think of me when she does.

We got all the dirt and flowers in the pots and then Tori very carefully watered everything and then we cleaned up our mess.

Here is our finished work. We were both very tired after all our hard work, but so proud of how beautiful it turned out. I just could not have done it all without Tori!

Altho we got no work from Katy and Jonathan, they wanted to be in the picture also. So we said OK.

A few more pictures of spring break fun with our family.
The elusive Hayden , not looking real happy!

My sons, Evan and Ethan.

My wonderful daughters in laws, Maya and Traci .

Tori, Lydia and Maddie. Cousins having fun together.

Elie and Jonathan enjoying the pool and warm sunshine.

It was a great time and wonderful to spend time with our family.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mr Swan

Elie Jo took this out in front of Grandpa's place. Think it is so cool.

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Break Fun 2009

For Spring Break we drove from Michigan to Iowa one day and picked up my grandson, Jonathan and granddaughter, Katy and drove the next day to Arkansas.

Spring had sprung in Arkansas and it was quite beautiful .

Beautiful Redbud Tree in Arkansas.

Can you see the duck?

Wildflowers in the woods.

While in AR the family climbed Pinnacle mountain one day .

Here are some of the mighty mountain climbers before the climb.

Here are Lydia, Tori and Maddie.

Katy and Maddie.

Here is the view at the top of the mountain. I'm happy to say everyone made it to the top. I did not climb the mountain. I stayed at home by the pool.

I do believe everyone was quite tired after the climb. Altho I do not see any kids that look tired!

On our way back to Iowa we stopped at the Hurricane Cave in Northern AR.

Elie, Jonathan and Katy took the tour. I did not go. I am not fond of bats. I'm more of a sunshine person.

Elie and the kids loved it tho.

All and all it was it was a great vacation. Covered lots of miles, but it was so worth it.

When we got back to Iowa we got to spend time with more family. All the cousins had a great time together.

Here is Owen with Jonathan.

When we got to Michigan we had to put away our shorts and bathing suits and get out our winter coats and boots. We are all pretty sick of winter up here and are really looking forward to seeing some Redbud trees of our own soon.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What a sweet Valentine!

Isn't this just the sweetest picture
Should have had this for Valentine's Day.

I love you too, Owen!!
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