After enduring a winter of all winters, I was at long last able to visit all my family in Iowa. It was wonderful. I went out on the train and flew home.
Stayed most of the time with Eddy, Karen and Owen. Owen is my youngest grandson and he is such a wonderful little guy. I loved every minute with him.
Here are some pictures of him at 6 months. He is 4 months old in the family picture. He will soon be 8 months. So he is now crawling and teething big time. Right now they are able to keep him pretty contained in one area, but can tell that is not going to last long. Eddy and Karen are great parents and Owen is a lucky little guy. He is such a happy little fellow and about only time I heard him cry was when he had to go to bed at night. I think he didn't want to miss anything!
Big gang of us were able to go to Ames to McGees for dinner. Always something the whole family loves to do. Many happy memories assoicated with McGees over the years.
Erin, Katy and two of Katy's girlfriends and I went to Kansas City and spent the night at the Country Club Plaza. So we got in some shopping there and then went to another huge mall there. It was fun, even tho it has been a long time since I had to share a bathroom with 4 gals. We did it tho!!
Ethan, Maya, Maddie, Lydia and Hayden had me over 3 times. Twice for supper and once for a wonderful tea party to celebrate the American Doll, Samantha's birthday. It was quite the affair, with beautiful petits fours and other wonderful treats. All served on beautiful china mini tea sets. It was a hilarious sight to see Hayden, who is two year old, drinking lemonade from those tiny little cups with all the girls. Wish I had a picture of that!
Went out to dinner at The Waterfront Seafood Market with Willie, Jonathan and Willie's folks. It was nice to spend an evening with all of them. Jonathan pretty much entertained us all. I know why Poppi said that Jonathan made him smile.

Here is Jonathan at beach with a frog, last summer.
Had some good eats with Eddy and Karen and went out to eat at Yanni's. Had gnocchi, which was one of Poppi's favorites. It was yummy.
So all an all it was a wonderful trip. Loved getting to spend time with everyone, even tho it never seems long enough. At the end of trip Eddy's family got the flu and were miserable. I was able to get home before I got it. But believe we are all on the mend now.
Now if the weather will just warm up, I am anxious to get the yard cleaned up and flowers planted and get ready for lots of company this summer. I can't wait!!
My thoughts and prayers are with Traci and her family during this time of sadness. Her Grandmother passed away and the funeral is tomorrow. She was a wonderful lady and am so glad that Poppi and I got to spend some time with her.